NJ Connect for Recovery Announces: A Series of Support and Education Groups for Those Coping with a Loved One’s Opiate Use Disorder
The entire family is affected when addiction is present. People coping with substance use disorders need intervention and services. Loved ones who care for them may be scared or confused and often don’t know where to go for support and guidance. The Mental Health Association in New Jersey’s (MHANJ’s) NJ Connect for Recovery is offering a new series of Support and Education Groups that can help. Each group will be facilitated by a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor or a Family Peer Specialist who is familiar with the effects of addiction on the family as well as the New Jersey system of care. These sessions will offer a safe, non-judgmental environment offering proven, helpful strategies, about addressing addiction and recovery. Participants may also benefit from guidance and group support. There is no cost to attend. These community support and education opportunities are being funded through a grant from the Community Foundation of New Jersey. Sessions will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the MHANJ in Union County, 2333 Morris Ave., Building C, Suites 206 & 208, Union, NJ. R.S.V.P. is requested. For more information or to R.S.V.P., please contact Pam Taylor at ptaylor@mhanj.org or 855-652-3737. See below for dates and topics. Please note that registration is required for the Narcan training on November 15, 2016, which will begin at 6 p.m. instead of 7 p.m.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month – Did you know that in New Jersey 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of domestic violence in their lifetime? In addition, 29 percent of all domestic violence offenses occurred with children present (25 percent) or involved (4 percent). That means that nearly 20,000 children lived in or witnessed a domestic violent situation!
To help end the scourge of domestic violence and educate the public, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence has once again claimed October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
New Jersey has many support groups, shelters, counseling and other services for those suffering from the willful intimidation, assault, or abuse from an intimate partner. For information on available services, go to www.ncadv.org
Tenth Anniversary of National Bullying Prevention Month This October – “The end of bullying begins with me.” The mission of PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Campaign is to unite communities in awareness of bullying prevention. PACER provides schools, parents and students with the educational resources and support to better respond to bullying behavior. Research has shown that bullying prevention programs in school decrease bullying by 25% (McCallion and Feder, 2013). For more information on what activities you or your agency can do to help raise awareness and decrease bullying, visit their website at www.pacer.org/bullying
New Jersey Self-Help Group Clearinghouse now sponsored by MHA in NJ – the Mental Health Association in New Jersey is the new, proud sponsor of the New Jersey Self-Help Group Clearinghouse. The vision of the MHANJ has always been to provide a community in which people with mental illness can achieve full potential, free from stigma and other barriers to care and recovery. They strive for mental health for children and adults through advocacy, education, training and services. Their mission blends well with the mission of the Clearinghouse. The NJ Self-Help Group Clearinghouse has always believed that people in the community, especially those who are dealing with adversities, can turn their struggles into hope for themselves and others through the development and availability of self-help groups. The Clearinghouse is grateful for the support and assistance of the Mental Health Association in New Jersey to help us provide a wonderful and needed service to the people in the Garden State.